Blossoming Shutterbug

My photo
Im a SAHM to 2 beautiful girls! they are my LIFE! love being artsy and just recently got into photography =) This is a place to share my creative talent.

Thursday, October 29, 2009

Baby photos

Im so excited to share these photos. My first infant session. I was so excited to hear my step sister was coming over to let me practice taking photos of Ms. Olive!!

Here is Ms. Olive almost 2 months old. Welcome to the world little one!!!

This is my favorite! the one with hand resting on Olive. LOVE IT

Even though i think these photos came out good i could have done so much more! I have these visions of how i want to place the baby, what angle i want to try, setting up a backround ect. I was soooo excited!!! Yet when they showed up, it all left me and i basically just snappend away. Except for when mom put her hand on Olive i did jump and asked to do that again! LOL I dont know why i just dont speek up like i did at that moment. Alot of times i find myself thinking "if they jsut moved this way.. that would be a good shot" But it never comes out of my mouth!

Something else to put on my list to work on!


  1. I emailed the photos to so many people all of whom think you are very talented. I love these photos so much.

  2. we would be happy to come again anytime and you could totally boss us around!

