Blossoming Shutterbug

My photo
Im a SAHM to 2 beautiful girls! they are my LIFE! love being artsy and just recently got into photography =) This is a place to share my creative talent.

Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Fall Mini Session

When all the leaves started to change i was itching to get out and take some photos. I really wanted to do some mini photo sessions with the moms group. I found its very difficult to do sessions if i had both my girls. So i would have to do it on the weekend and have the husband watch the girls. BUT he started school and isnt around on Sat =( the only day i had was sundays but that day we use to do errands. uug. All i could do was take my girls to the park and take some photos =) had so much fun.....

Well one day a friend of mine was telling me about this pre-school at a high school! The students there teach the kids. there was one spot left. I jumped on that so quick. My daughter has been talking about school. i can see the sadness in her eyes when her friends talk about their school. I knew she was going to be sooo excited. AND she was!!! its only 3 days a week and an hour and half but its something!!!

after her first week in school i realized i could do a session while she is there. there was a park right by the HS. I could set up a meet up there, do 2 moms at a time 1/2 hr each. My toddler could sit in the stroller while i did this. It worked out great!!
My first mini session meet up was on a monday, it was just one mom! I decided to use the AV function this time. Ok so i cheated.. the ISO was on auto so all i had to worry about was the fstop.. teehee.
thought it was cute she brought the Halloween costume. Sooo adorable =) i was really happy to work on the photos that night and sent her them the next morning. Felt good that i wasnt over whelmed. lol

Next one was on a Tues.. and i did have 2 moms come. was a bit yucky out and at one point the rain started to come down a bit hard. But only lasted a little bit.

When i started doing photo sessions, this little one was my FIRST!! and it rained then too. LOL
loved to see how big she got and is sitting up on her own. so cute. Once again her mom knew exactly what she wanted... I wish i had her vision. she really had some good ideas.

I didnt set up any for Friday in case i got behind. Altho i did Get the photos done pretty quickly and got the photos to the moms within a day or 2!
Below was the next monday. I LOVE his EYES soo beautiful. He has a baby sister but i was only able to get 2 shots of them together. I was so happy the hear that this family is coming back to get more photos done =) I cant wait!!
this day turned into a playdate.. we started late so we ran out of time. both moms were willing to stay so i picked up my daughter from school and all the kids played together at the park. WE had sooo much fun!!!

Below is my older daughter boyfriend..LOL they just get along so well. Its so funny to see them play together. at one point they were holding hands and of course my camera was away so i missed the shot. UGG. They really are too cute!

Sooooo.. this weekend i took the girls up to visit my BFF!! (HI JENN!!!) We had an awesome time. While we were up there a friend of Jenn's had asked if i could take some photos of her son. We had a blast! And guess what!!!! jenn's husband let me use his lens. 75-300mm. so cool not to be in this kids face!! LOL and I love how blurry the background gets.

now its time to prepare for my trip to Seattle... Woot woot!!

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