Blossoming Shutterbug

My photo
Im a SAHM to 2 beautiful girls! they are my LIFE! love being artsy and just recently got into photography =) This is a place to share my creative talent.

Wednesday, January 20, 2010

How i have missed editing......

I brought Gia to dance class today and made sure i had my camera. Why you ask... hmmm.. maybe to take a picture of the window!!??! noooooooo Altho this photo came out pretty cool =)

Well one of the moms there just had a baby and knowing they would be at class I wanted to take pictures of their beautiful infant =D

She already knows how to work the camera!!

When i started to edit these photos i didnt realize how much i missed the whole processes, its only been 2 months. LOL Getting home and cant wait to upload the photos. Once uploaded the excitement starts and cant wait to see how the photos came out. THEN the editing.. so much fun =D guess i needed my fix.. LOL

My favorite photo!!!


  1. Oh my gosh, what a sweet shoot. The baby is absolutely darling and you did a fantastic job! My favorite it the third one :-)

