Blossoming Shutterbug

My photo
Im a SAHM to 2 beautiful girls! they are my LIFE! love being artsy and just recently got into photography =) This is a place to share my creative talent.

Wednesday, March 31, 2010

What a way to welcome spring............

Meet the Gabriel Family

This was a great way to bring in the Spring by going to the beach....

And to celebrate their new addition to the family.....Baby C

Big Sister with her baby bro.


My Favorite photo.

<3 CB

Monday, March 29, 2010

And the winner is........

This was really hard to choose the winner. You guys did come up with some Great ones and most of you said i should stay with (was my original choice.)

  The winner of the Contest is......... 

All of you!!! 

lol,  Yes.. Liz, MT, Carrie, Tami, AND Alison!!!!  Congrats!!!    I know, your probably thinking im nuts!! But the reason im choosing all of you, 1. people actually commented =P, 2. you all like, 3. you guys are the best!!!
  So im sticking with it. the name has been purchased, now to figure out how to link it to zenfolio.

In order to get your free mini session by yours truely =D you need to contact me at by the end of the day.

Thank you all for participating!!

<3  CB

Sunday, March 28, 2010

I believe i have Blossomed!!

The girls and i went out with a few of our friends to a park. We all had decided to do an egg hunt and, well im sure you guessed, I took ALOT of pictures =P  We really had a good time and absolutely loved the park we went to! We certainly had a beautiful day. 

I Edited quite a few of the photos i took and i do believe i have blossomed!!

<3  CB

Happy St. Patricks Day - A week late ....

Happy St. Patrick's Day

A week later............ Well, i would have just skipped posting this but wanted to show the crafts we did =)  Im pretty sure i got the idea from this website.  

 Started with making a leprechaun

 I worked with nadia on hers. Great to see her try to put the pieces in the right places.

debating on eating the glue

Then we tried to make hats. I got the idea from this website here  But used what ever i had around the house. So i tried a paper plate. and followed directions from there.

I didnt have enough green construction paper so we just covered the front instead of going all the way around

May not be perfect but it worked =) Girls loved it thats all that matters =D

<3 CB

Saturday, March 27, 2010

73 - 85 of 365 / Challenge

Day 73

was doing some math with Gia and happen to use Green coins. LOL

Day 74

Day 75

couldn't choose one


Day 76
Happy st. Patricks day

Day 77


Day 78

Day 79

Day 80

Day 81
My sisters cat, who HATES me!!

Day 82
Princess Craft playdate we went to. This is what the girls made =)

Day 83

Day 84
love the picking of the nose..LOL 

Day 85
Playing dress up

Friday, March 26, 2010

At the park with daddy

One beautiful day the girls got to go to the park with their daddy.  Oh, did you think it was to play... oh gosh no!! it was to see him work out..LMAO. And of course i had my trusty camera =)  luckily i was also prepared with the BIG ball for the girls to play with....

There he is.. running... and running..... and running. Looks like fun doesnt it!?!?!

Here is Gia watchin her Daddy Run some more.. LOL  seriously, i do hope she becomes one who enjoys running!!!

We did get to play with the Ball and run around while Daddy did his thing. Photos take from that day.... 

