Blossoming Shutterbug

My photo
Im a SAHM to 2 beautiful girls! they are my LIFE! love being artsy and just recently got into photography =) This is a place to share my creative talent.

Wednesday, December 23, 2009

To SOAR or not to SOAR.....

There is this SOAR scholarship that MeRa has put together. It is an amazing opportunity but i cant help myself to think im not good enough.

You were to make a 2 min video. it was suggested that you record yourself in the video but not required. I did not do this. Not sure why, maybe shyness? also the application had a few questions and i couldnt think of a thing to write. Part of me wanted to go back and redo my video and application, but the other part didnt and so i didnt. THEN it was.. do i submit it?!! after all this work.. do i send it in.

as im watching all the videos being submitted, my confidence gets smaller and smaller. Again, how can i compare to these talented women. Most of them have been doing this for a while! how could I even apply when i just got into this 5 months ago? The photos these women shared are awesome!! I wish i could capture what they did. A lot of them are very artistic and thats what im drawn to and want to capture. I just dont feel that my photos compare to these talented women.
Well, even though i have all these doubts and questions i submitted it any way. (still waiting for it to show up on her website) Part of me feels like a fool and not sure why.... so here we go....

The video i sent in................

So now we wait to see who the 3 lucky women are to receive such a great gift!!


  1. Christina,
    I love the way that you go though your whole story. The video is fresh and bright... very uplifting. I love your choice of music as well... who is that, would love to look up some of her music. Beautiful pictures! I cant wait for us to SOAR next year!

  2. Thank you =) this was alot of fun to make AND the first time i used a video maker. now i cant stop..LOL
    I love this song and when i heard the line "ready to jump, to make that leap, finally believe i have the power in me" I knew i had to use this song for the slide show.

    The song is Called finally woken by Jem.

    2010 is going to be awesome for so many of us!!!!!

