Blossoming Shutterbug

My photo
Im a SAHM to 2 beautiful girls! they are my LIFE! love being artsy and just recently got into photography =) This is a place to share my creative talent.

Thursday, September 30, 2010


That was my reply to Me Ra when i recieved an email from her saying that Im going to be on her blog!  Thats right.. She is featuring 10 different women and their bio photos on her blog TODAY!! And we are one of them!!! (*we* as in Gia and i since she did take my picture.. lol )
can you believe it!!!
I cant wait to tell Gia =D
so keep checkin her blog for todays post!

To see my blog about our head shot session click here


Just for fun! Head shots

Hey there!!!  im still here!!!  just been busy with mommy stuff.  Im hoping to catch up on blogging soon but i wanted to share something special. 

Today (well yesterday since this prob wont post till after 12am) on MeRa's blog was about taking your own head shots. (you have to read her blog to know what im talking about)  I wanted to give it a try BUT there are no other adults around to take my photo.. just my 2 girls.    I know im crazy for even thinking this. But thought of  letting my 4yr old use my camera!!  Yes crazy!!   but you should have seen her face when i gave permission to do so. she even said "but mommy you told me to NEVER touch your camera!"  im sure she thought i was crazy too and had to make sure.. LOL 

We had a lot of fun doing this! we even got dressed up and put on makeup (which i NEVER wear!) And yes she got to wear makeup too!  We took turns taking pictures of each other =D

I wanted to share what she got cause i think she did an amazing job!!! She blew me away!
I had Gia stand on a chair so she would be above me, (as MeRa suggests) because you dont want to look like this:

 See the double chin going... YUK!!! (click here to see how to look thinner in photos)  ok so gia is on the chair and im sitting on the floor so that she would be above me more!  So below is Gia first try! watch how the double chin disappears!

Can you believe it!!! look at that shot!! So excited for Gia!  but I forgot about the background and i wanted a lil more of my neck showing.  So we try again but this time i covered the toy with a blanket. 

2nd try

woops! a bit to the side..but I Cant believe she is at least getting my face in the frame!!  Can you imagine how hard this must be for her.. actually having to use the view finder!! closing one eye.   what i love about this one is that she wanted to do it vertical not horizontal.  Every time she took a photo i think my voice got higher and higher out of excitement..was so proud of her LOL you could see the happiness in her every time i praised her work!!

3rd try

As you can see she is trying to get my neck

4th try

Ok ok.. we are back in the corner.. its ok.. we try again and i explain to try to center my face.

5th try!

How amazing is she!!  This is such a great photo =) 

I was so proud of Gia i had to submit the 5th photo to MeRa..  i even went as far as answering the questions.. LOL =)
 here is what i wrote: 
1. What do you love most about your headshot?
I love that my 4yr old took my picture!! and what a fabulous job she did =)  Oh and my hair came out good too!!
honestly i love how you dont see my double chin and i love the blurry background. even though its flowers on the blanket.. you really cant tell.. gives it a nice design.

2. Any tips you can offer that you learned?
just patients!! i did get frustrated with my daughter at one i can only imagine what its like working with a husband or someone else!  LOL

the other 2 questions is where you live and your blog but you guys already know that =P 

I had so much fun with gia and was awesome to see her light up when she held my camera. To see her get excited as i got excited at ever shot she took. 

Here are a few photos i took of gia during our headshot session!  
God i love this girl =D 

of course this last one is by gia.. another favorite of mine =)  taken outside on our deck


