Blossoming Shutterbug

My photo
Im a SAHM to 2 beautiful girls! they are my LIFE! love being artsy and just recently got into photography =) This is a place to share my creative talent.

Saturday, January 30, 2010

Day 30 of project 365 / challenge

Project 365

I actually have two for this challenge. wasnt sure what one to choose


 Update on Gia She is no longer taking pictures (for now) altho likes to discuss what the challenge is for today. When i told her today's challenge she said HEART is love =) 

Friday, January 29, 2010

Day 29 of project 365 / challenge

Project 365
(this one would have been good for the HAT challenge)

These pics are soo cute I had to post it!! Nadia put on the hat herself But didnt want her picture taken! Look at her gettin mad..LOL

Here she is showing me what is on TV, she didnt know i had the camera


Gia did ask what the challenge was today and pointed out what comes in a box. She wasnt interested in taking a picture tho. Think she is getting bored of it =P

Thursday, January 28, 2010

Day 28 of project 365 / challenge

Project 365

Daily Challenge: something BLUE

Here is Gia's something BLUE.  love it!!!

Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Self Portrait Photography Exercise

As most of you know Ive been following MeRa's Blog for some time now and submitted a video for the SOAR scholarship contest. As you can see i didn't win and was very upset about it. This shocked me how upset i got! I didn't expect to win, i knew i wouldn't get it since im way to new at this and couldn't understand why i was so down about it. It was brought to my attention that i probably wanted it more then i knew! They are right! i dont think i realized how much I am falling in love with photography. Even though I did not win i have made some great friends and now have a place to share my photography. with fellow photographers =D
Well MeRa has put together a SOAR Blog. Not only is it for us to watch the recipients grow but we (soar sisters) get to grow with them =D This is really exciting for me and think its such a great thing that MeRa has put together.

Our first exercise is a Self Portrait. To document where you are in your journey of life. MeRa writes how this maybe difficult and uncomfortable But it wasn't for me. I knew exactly what i wanted to do. I didn't feel uncomfortable and really couldn't wait to share my photo on my blog.

This is i am in my Journey. Tell me what you see.
Ill explain as best i can how i took this. (not very good with the photo
I took the picture and knowing it was going to take a while for the picture to finish snapping, I waited a little bit then sat in the chair! this gave the "see through" look. I did this once before, messing around, and knew this is what i wanted to do for this exercise
ISO: 100
Fstop: F22

After reading the recipients blog ..showing their self portrait and explaining how hard this was for them to share, I realized why this isnt hard for me! YOU are not in front of me looking at my photo. I cant see your expressions or have to "hear" what you see as your looking at my photo. I basically hit "post" and walk away and i have no idea who will read it.
These women had to sit in a room together and show their work in silence. one by one. explain what they see in the photo. If i was in their shoes I know i would have been petrified to do that.
Sooo im going to challenge myself. going to put myself in a situation that im NOT comfortable with, similar to these women! Im going to put the above picture as my profile on Facebook linking my blog to it. My stomach has butterflies as i type this!! should i make it harder!?!? maybe put my status to comment on my photo?!!? hmmm.. yup stomach just dropped. Well if you are a friend on facebook and dont see my status change.. then you'll know i chickened out on that challenge..LOL

Here is the other part of the exercise, an object that symbolizes you! This was really hard, i had no idea what object to use! What in the world would symbolize ME! How can i show myself with just one object. I finally settled on this one. not sure if i did it right! Wait, Is there a right or wrong. In any case..
Tell me, What do you see.........?

I cant wait to find out whats next..........

Day 27 of project 365 / Challenge

Project 365

Daily Challenge: WORDS

These challenges are starting to turn into little lessons for Gia. THANKS!!
Today she was interested in doing the challenge and i had to explain to her what "words" are or look like. This is the first time she understood that putting letters together create words.
Sooo Off she went with her camera to look for words. After taking the picture She would tell me the letters of the word she found (only capital tho, doesnt know lower case yet) then i would tell her what it said.
I couldnt pick just one picture of hers.. so here are 4 of them.

Yes, below, you see i still have xmas stuff still up =P

This looks like she took a picture of her toys but if you look at the top you will see her name. Giovinia.

I really like this one! something about the angle of it.

She got excited when she found this one. "MOMMY!!! this one has ALOT of words!!!!"

Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Day 26 of project 365 / Challenge

Project 365

Daily Challenge: HAT

I really didnt think i got anything interesting today for Hat. I went through the photos but thought nothing came out good. Well after playing around, a bit of cropping, and changing to sepia i kinda like how this one turned out.

Unfortunately Gia was not interested in the challenge today. Not sure if it wasnt challenging enough for her..LOL (surprisingly i had a hard time) But she did ask me if i knew what tomorrows challenge was. She will have to find out in the morning!

Monday, January 25, 2010

Day 25 of project 365 / Challenge

Project 365
I couldnt pick just one today. I love them both!!!

This is the picture that Gia took of herself (as you can see from above)


Here is Gia's photo! Yes there are some fake treats in this picture but i didnt have any REAL ones. lol

Wasnt really feeling it this morning so i took the same photo.

Sunday, January 24, 2010

Day 24 of project 365 / Challenge

Project 365
My girls playing together. Nadia pretending to go "night night" and Gia reading her a book.

Daily Challenge: SOMETHING SHARP

Once again Gia was very interested in the Challenge. During breakfast we talked about what things are sharp. She looks around the room and first says. "The corner of the camera?!" but caught herself "Noooooooo!" as she chuckles. So she continues and here are a few.
  • 1. top of a glue stick (not sure what she was talking about)
  • 2. the end of the pen, where you write (ok, kinda?!! )
  • 3. edge of a calendar (now she is getting it!)
  • 4. something broken (i loved this one, that was so smart of her)
  • 5. Corner of a book (again, very clever!)

I then had her pick what one she wanted to take a picture of and she chose "corner of a book" So this is her picture for the Daily Challenge.

So i thought i would follow her lead =) She was really proud of herself and so excited that i picked the same thing..LOL

I think this is awesome that Gia is doing this with me. I wonder how long this will last. I am liking our conversations over breakfast. "so mommy, whats the challenge for today?" Boy is she cute =D

Saturday, January 23, 2010

Day 23 of project 365 / challenge

Went to story time with the girls today. Nadia, who is in pink w/hoodie (NOT the girl in pig tails), really enjoyed it! I thought she would be to shy to participate but actually stood with out me!


This morning after I made my coffee Gia (she is 4) asks me "So mommy, whats the challenge for today?" i almost peed my pants!!! Didnt realize she had been paying attention to what i have been doing. So i tell her and she asks if she could do it with me. I thought that was soo cute!!!

This is her picture for the challenge =)

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Friday, January 22, 2010

Day 22 of project 365 / challenge

Project 365


The above picture was taken in Dec. But thought it was perfect for this challenge.
Also i didnt get a chance to do it today =P

Thursday, January 21, 2010

Day 21 of project 365 / Challenge

Project 365

Daily Challenge: anything SQUARES

i know this is more of rectangles but close
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Wednesday, January 20, 2010

How i have missed editing......

I brought Gia to dance class today and made sure i had my camera. Why you ask... hmmm.. maybe to take a picture of the window!!??! noooooooo Altho this photo came out pretty cool =)

Well one of the moms there just had a baby and knowing they would be at class I wanted to take pictures of their beautiful infant =D

She already knows how to work the camera!!

When i started to edit these photos i didnt realize how much i missed the whole processes, its only been 2 months. LOL Getting home and cant wait to upload the photos. Once uploaded the excitement starts and cant wait to see how the photos came out. THEN the editing.. so much fun =D guess i needed my fix.. LOL

My favorite photo!!!
