Blossoming Shutterbug

My photo
Im a SAHM to 2 beautiful girls! they are my LIFE! love being artsy and just recently got into photography =) This is a place to share my creative talent.

Saturday, January 23, 2010

Day 23 of project 365 / challenge

Went to story time with the girls today. Nadia, who is in pink w/hoodie (NOT the girl in pig tails), really enjoyed it! I thought she would be to shy to participate but actually stood with out me!


This morning after I made my coffee Gia (she is 4) asks me "So mommy, whats the challenge for today?" i almost peed my pants!!! Didnt realize she had been paying attention to what i have been doing. So i tell her and she asks if she could do it with me. I thought that was soo cute!!!

This is her picture for the challenge =)

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  1. Oh that is too cute! My daughter also wants to take pics with me everyday now too. She wants my old camera (even though she has her own) They are simply amazing, aren't they.

    To Gia:

    Wow, congratulations on your photo for the daily challenge, I can't wait to see what you do tomorrow. Keep up the good work! And I LOVE your name, very cute!

  2. Thanks!!! They ARE amazing!!! i love that she is soo interested!
    Gia thanks you too =D She has my canon power shot AND has a lil bag to put it in (just like mommy).. LOL

  3. Hello, was just checking in an looking for new pics from Gia (and you). :-)

  4. yes there is and Gia is doing such a great job. LOL ... u just have to go to the home page of the blog. =) And thanks for checking in =D

